The Password Manager everyone should using for Linux/Android

Today I will show one of the most important tools for any developer and/or non-developer: The ONE password manager you can trust. I am of course talking about Password Store. This app needs to be used in conjunction with Open Keychain. You can install both from the F-Droid store.

Notable mention to this excellent guide. It is slightly outdated, but had it not been for minor differences in the app it would have been all I needed to do a setup.

This is the main diagram to understand the pieces we are using:

Password System diagram

The point of this setup is:

1. Computer setup:

1.1 Previous setup

Have pass and gpg in stalled in your Linux system (optionally adb to push your key files through it). Have a repo setup in some git system like Github.

Initializing all programs

1.2 Generate your keys

After the basic installs, we have to set up everything. The first step if you have no idea on how to use gpg is to generate the keys with it. gpg uses a private/public pair of keys; which right now is considered a best practice in security. We can generate a pair of keys by running:

gpg --full-gen-key

I personally used the option of “ECC (sign and encrypt)” for the kind of key and “Curve 25519” which were the defaults. I made the keys not to expire (which is more dangerous but for this specific tutorial is not so relevant).

To make things simpler, just call your keys “password-store” for Real name and you can input any email you want. Comments are of course for your own reminding.

A big warning is that as of now, OpenKeychain does not support the AEAD mechanism. In order to avoid this issue do as the ArchLinux wiki suggests:

gpg --export --edit-key <FINGERPRINT> -> where FINGERPRINT is the long alphanumeric code of your key

setpref AES256 AES192 AES SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP -> We remove OCB as a prefix

exit -> to exit gpg editing mode, and press y to save changes.

1.3 Initialize pass

As simple as: pass init <FINGERPRINT>

Now you can get the full use of a (local) password manager:

pass generate somepassword -> Generate a password on the top level. The password generation system is as good as it gets.

pass generate somepath/somepassword

pass somepassword -> To show on terminal password.

passmenu -> Requires dmenu, but opens a searchbar for your passwords, and upon pressing enter copies it in your clipboard. NOBODY can see your password.

Once again it is very simple to do:

pass git remote add origin

And now we can use pass as if it was a git repo running git commands after it.

pass git add -A && pass git commit -m 'first bunch of passwords' && pass git push <- Try and add your first set of passwords so that we can set it later in Android.

2. Android setup

We must begin by installing both apks(OpenKeychain, Password Store) from the F-Droid store.

2.1 Passing the key, setting up OpenKeychain

You should export your PGP key in a safe way; that means either

gpg --export password-store > password-store.sec.asc

gpg --export-secret-keys password-store >> password-store.sec.asc

adb push password-store.sec.asc /sdcard/Download/

And import it directly with OpenKeychain.

2.2 Linking to the repo, setting up Password-Store

This will be done from the Password-Store apk. You will choose “clone a remote repo”. You want to set up your link exactly the same way as you set it for pass, using the link Besides that, you will have to select your key from OpenKeychain when prompted to do so.

A couple notes on the last setup:

3 Warnings:

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